Undergraduate Catalog 2012-2013

EDRD - Reading

EDRD 3150 Lit, Read, & Writ Content Flds

A study of the reading and writing process. Emphasis will be placed on instructional strategies for integrating literature, reading, and writing across the content fields.


EDRD 3214 Reading Instructional Strateg

Methods and materials for teaching reading and language arts in the middle grades.


EDRD 3215 FB Teach Read through Chil Lit

Methods and materials for literacy instruction that encourage the use of literature to develop independent readers and writers.


EDRD 3221 Literacy Instruction I

Theory and process of literacy learning; methods and materials that encourage and support the development of literacy with emphasis on phonics.


EDRD 3500 Found of Lit for Spec Educator

This course provides theory and research into the foundations of reading. There will be a focus on children who are at a risk, struggling, or have identified reading disabilities across grade levels. Various instructional and intervention models will be discussed.


EDRD 4211 Literacy Instruction II

Prerequisite: EDRD 3221. Methods and materials for literacy instruction that encourage the development of independent readers and writers.


EDRD 4500 Lit Asses, Interven & Material

Prerequisite: EDRD 3500. This course will examine and apply formal and informal literacy assessments for identifying student literacy needs. Appropriate interventions and supporting materials for instruction and intervention will be explored and applied to field situations.