Undergraduate Catalog 2012-2013

Core Curriculum

Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A-E. Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.

University System students who matriculate beginning in Fall 2012 students must also complete learning goals in US Perspectives (US), Global Perspectives (GL), and Critical Thinking (CT) as part of his or her core requirements. The US Perspectives (US) and Global Perspectives (GL) are overlaid onto courses in Areas A-E, and a student fulfills these requirements by taking courses in Areas A-E that have also been approved to meet these learning goals. The Critical Thinking (CT) overlay is met through a holistic institutional plan that demonstrates how students who complete Areas A-E will have acquired foundational critical thinking skills. Students who transfer after having completed Areas A–E but without having completed the US, GL, and/or CT requirements must complete any remaining requirements at Georgia College.*

In addition to the overlay requirements mandated by the University System of Georgia, Georgia College students will be required to complete two additional Global Perspectives (GL) learning goals as a requirement for graduation. Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Area A, B, C, D, and E and for the US, GL, and CT Learning Goals are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.*

Students who matriculate at Georgia College as first-time freshmen in the Fall 2011 or later semesters will complete this core curriculum. Students who matriculated at Georgia College prior to Fall 2011 will complete their core, major, and other degree requirements using the catalog to which they were assigned when they were admitted to Georgia College. Students who transferred to Georgia College in Fall 2012 will be assigned to either the 2012-2011 academic catalog or the 2012-2013 academic catalog depending on the amount of credit that they are transferring from their prior institution(s).


* Addendum: Effective March 9, 2016, in compliance with changes made by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, courses that satisfy the critical thinking, US perspectives, and global perspectives learning goals are no longer required for graduation.