Graduate Catalog 2022-2023


LOGS 6393 Project Management

This course addresses the planning, scheduling, organizing, implementing, and controlling of projects with a specific emphasis on Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The focus of the course is on defining, planning, and controlling projects to successfully complete them within quality specifications, on schedule, and within budget. Project management software is used in the course. Other topics include project organization, roles of the project manager and team members, and project leadership.


LOGS 6601 Logistics Sys Engin & Analysis

A study of the systems engineering process of definition of requirements, requirements allocation, system analysis, synthesis and optimization, system configuration, and system test and evaluation.


LOGS 6607 Sys Reliability & Maintainabil

Prerequisite: LOGS 5302 or coordinator’s consent. This course covers reliability/maintainability terms and definitions, analysis, design, prediction/assessment and test and evaluation, from the practical view point. *+ *or approved undergraduate equivalent +students with an approved undergraduate equivalent should not enroll in this course


LOGS 6634 Supply Chain Mgmt Strat

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. A study into the logic, design, and integration of effective techniques and methods for supply chain management optimization. The course employs a case study methodology involving contemporary, brand name organizations to illustrate effective approaches and lessons learned.


LOGS 6639 Adv Engineering Economy

Engineering economic analysis and the economic evaluation of alternatives. Investment decisions based on equivalent worth, rate of return, benefit-cost, and life cycle cost methods, considering the aspects of risk and uncertainty. Cross-listed with FINC 6940.


LOGS 6643 Adv Prod Planning and Control

An advanced course in production planning, production system design and development, and production control and evaluation. Cross-listed with MGMT 6970.


LOGS 6647 Logistics Processes and Mgmt

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. An advanced logistics supply chain management course dealing with a wide range of integrated logistics processes and managerial activities that are geared towards seamless, efficient product/system life cycle support.


LOGS 6649 Logistics Quantitative Methods

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. A study of quantitative methods and techniques as applied to the system life cycle. Includes the application of quantitative techniques to reliability, maintainability, human factors, and logistics support models. Cross listed with MGMT 6910.


LOGS 6650 Purchasing & Materials Mgmt

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. A study of techniques involved in purchasing and materials management as a business function. Topics include vendor selection, contractor negotiation, contract administration and materials management principles and practices.


LOGS 6652 Commercial Gov't Contract Law

This course provides students with the impact of government contract law on the acquisition process. The course will also highlight the differences and similarities between government and commercial contracts.


LOGS 6653 Internt'l Trade & Log Environ

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. A study of international trade, the international monetary system, and financial markets and their effects on the system life cycle costing.


LOGS 6654 Distribution & Inventor Cntrl

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. This course will address the interface between packaging, storage, inventory control and transportation.


LOGS 6655 Project & Program Management

Prerequisites: none. This course examines the interrelationships of various managed activities that fall under the responsibility of a Project/Program Manager. Focus areas shall include Program requirements Definition & Scope, Cost, Schedule, Risk, and Human Resources management (including Soft Skills), and Ethics. The course will give particular attention to post-acquisition sustainment and logistics as a responsibility of the Project/Program Manager.


LOGS 6690 Logs & Supply Chain Leadership

Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management program. Logistics professionals work across functions within the organization, with business units throughout the company and with partners accross the supply chain. Collaborationg with trading partners and developing innovative solutions to optimize logistics and supply chain strategy and operations requires strong leadership abilities. Logistics leadership is critical for companies seeking to establish competitive advantage through supply chain management and logistics. The aim of this course is to increase your knowledge about leadership, broaden your ability to apply leadership concepts to the logistics/supply chain environment, and enhance your leadership skills.


LOGS 6940 Independent Study

Investigation of topics of special interest, with reports to the instructor. A research paper is required for the research project option. Prior approval by program coordinator and instructor is required.


LOGS 6950 Special Topics

The purpose of this course is to broaden the scope of the subject matter in the Logistics degree program by following topics of current interest that are not covered in other courses.


LOGS 6960 Internship and/or Cooperative

Individually designed and planned learning experience involving off-campus field experience and study in the public and private sector. Must be approved by the department chairperson and the program coordinator.
