Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2021


MGMT 3101 Applied Business Statistics

Prerequisite: MATH 1401 with a grade of C or higher, CBIS 2220, and sophomore, junior or senior status. CBIS 2220 may be taken concurrently. The application of inferential statistical techniques in business decision making. Topics include estimation and testing of parameters, linear regression and correlation, and analysis of variance.


MGMT 3141 Principles of Management

Pre-requisite: minimum of sophomore standing and BCOM 2285 with a grade of C or higher. An introduction to the management process, emphasizing planning and strategy, organizational theory and structure, and organizational behavior, direction and control including leadership, motivation, team building, management information systems and current managerial issues such as total quality management, multi-cultural impact and ethical management. C or better is required for all BBA in Management Majors.


MGMT 3155 Organizational Behavior

Prerequisite: MGMT 3141 and majoring in Accounting, Management, Management Information Systems, or Marketing. A comprehensive study of human behavior and its interrelationship with the organizational environment. Topics include motivation, leadership, diversity, careers, conflict, attitudes, ethics, personality, work teams, organizational culture, and organizational structure. This course will help the students acquire the skills managers need to enhance organization performance and increase their chances for success throughout their careers.


MGMT 3165 Oper Quality & Supply Chn Mgmt

Prerequisite: MGMT 3101 with a grade of C or higher and MGMT 3141 with a grade of C or higher. FINC 3131 is recommended. Restricted to business majors.. An introduction to the design and control of production and service operation systems. Topics include material requirements planning, layout, scheduling, work measurement, quality control, and the use of quantitative tools in planning and allocating resources. Computer-assisted problem solving applications are included.


MGMT 3175 Business Analytics

Prerequisite: MGMT 3101 and MGMT 3141. Restricted to business majors. This course provides a study of analytical tools useful in business decision-making. Topics covered are selected from a wide range of both probabilistic and optimizing quantitative tools. Examples include: data visualization, regression analysis, data mining, linear programming, non-linear programming, forecasting, networking, project management, queuing, simulation, goal programming, and decision analysis, including both mathematical-based and computer-assisted problem solving.


MGMT 3180 Bus Logistics & Supply Chn Mgt

Prerequisites: MGMT 3101, MGMT 3141. This course provides an introduction to the concepts, functions, processes, and objectives of logistics and supply chain management activities. It covers those activities that are involved in physically moving raw materials, inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of use or consumption. The topic of logistics management is significant because if done effectively it can improve a firm's marketing effort by establishing consistent and dependable customer service levels. It covers the planning, organizing, and controlling of such activities, and examines the role of supply change processes in creating competitive advantage with respect to quality, flexibility, lead-time, and cost. Topics include customer service, inventory management, transportation, warehousing, supply change management, and an introduction to international logistics.


MGMT 3181 International Logistics

Prerequisites: MGMT 3101, MGMT 3141, and MGMT 3180 (MGMT 3180 may be taken concurrently.) This course will acquaint students with managerial issues in international logistics and transportation, and will provide students with an understanding of procedures related to import/export management.


MGMT 3182 Logistics Analytics

Prerequisites: MGMT 3101, 3141, and 3180. An examination of the design and management of logistics and transportation operations in selected settings. Particular emphasis is placed upon the areas of traffic management, carrier operations, carrier selection and contract negotiation, and warehousing. Each area is analyzed in terms of organizational differences, operational processes, variations in information needs, and performance control mechanisms.


MGMT 3185 Intro to Hospi & Tourism Mgmt

Prerequisites: MGMT 3141. Restricted to business majors. A comprehensive survey management in the hospitality and tourism industry including history, trends, dynamics, and career opportunities unique to this growing segment of the economy.


MGMT 3195 Project Management

Prerequisites: MGMT 3141. This course addresses the planning, scheduling, organizing, implementing, and controlling of projects. The emphasis in the course is on defining, planning, and controlling projects to successfully complete them with quality specifications, on schedule, and within budget. Project management software is used in the course. Other topics include project organization, roles of the project manager and team members, and project leadership.